To be republished in Autumn 2022. Further information will be available soon!

“A treasure of mystical poetry, these poems pulsate with truth.”
—Carolyn Myss, author of Intimate Conversations with the Divine and Anatomy of the Spirit

In the early hours of June 16, 2011, Clark Strand witnessed a startling apparition of the Divine Feminine in the form of a young woman with an X of black electrical tape over Her mouth. Strand removed the tape, and She began to speak of a coming age of chaos and collapse in which the world of humankind would be severely chastened so that Her world—the world of Nature—could be renewed. Overwhelmed by the presence of One so fully Other, Strand found that love was the only language that would suffice. Drawing inspiration from Song of Songs and the Bengali mystics Ramprasad and Sri Ramakrishna, he began a series of poems to Ma Kali, the Dark Goddess of India, the words to which often came from the Great Mother Herself.

“A provocative book of poetry with stunning illustrations. You will have a new understanding of Ma Kali after reading Clark Strand’s enchanting collection. Kali broke my heart open and kept me thoroughly entertained.”
—Trista Hendren, Creator of The Girl God series”

“Clark Strand’s revelatory poems peer into the divide between order and disorder, separation and union, life and death. Not a word is wasted. In these pages we are pulled into relationship with a sensuous, even bemused Kali whose ‘children fly apart’ at the sight of her; a powerful Kali who lures and leads. Truths loom large here. Fling open Now Is The Hour Of Her Return and let yourself be consumed.” 
—Laura Grace Weldon, 2019 Ohio Poet of the Year