YOU are all invited!

This year will be the twelfth anniversary of the Apparition and everyone is invited to Woodstock, New York to celebrate with us on Friday June 16.

An Overview

Thursday evening June 15th

Sunset: The Annual Washing of the Statue

1 am: Clark sits vigil at the shine and everyone is invited to sing a Latin rosary with him in the woods with the owls to commemorate the first apparition. Some will honor the event the way I did that night and always do, snuggled up in bed and dreaming.

Friday June 16th

This is all in the backyard. There is a very large tent.

10 am – 12:30 pm Our Annual Faire

Everyone may help us make it wonderful! We need artists and crafts people, herbalists, tarot readers and psychics, games coordinators, musicians, improv theater…Each year it has its own special flavor. We have tables and chairs.

We also free coffee in the morning, name tags, and lots of time to hug people you’ve met on Zoom.

12-2 Lunch on your own, Picnics welcome

2-4:30 Introductions, Miracle Stories, and a Full Rosary to Conclude the Novena to Our Lady of Woodstock. This part of the Feast Day will be available Live on Zoom.

5-6 Pot Luck Dinner

6-8 Dancing Under the Stars (HeatherAsh is coordinating our dancing. If you have experience with super friendly, easy circle dancing, let’s coordinate with her.)

8 pm Candle Lighting and Prayers for the Dead (This will also be on Zoom)

Saturday, June 17th

Hike to the Indigenous Cairns on Overlook Mountain (limited spots)

Casual Rosaries at the Shrine

Travel and Accommodation

Conveniently, Woodstock New York is a tourist destination which means there are a lot of different ways to get here and a lot of different places to stay–from camping sites and backyard yurts to a plethora of Airbnb choices to funky motels to boutique hotels to mountaintop mansions. We will have both a travel advisor and an accommodations helper for support. (These are positions you can volunteer for IF you are local or came last year.)

Get Involved

Right now I am looking for a team of volunteers, preferably you came last year and have some thoughts and opinions about how to make it work better this year.

Possible Service Positions Include local advisors, the meal team, parking, Faire friends, and ensuring the kids have a blast (probably the most important job of all.) Reach out to Perdita at  

Support the Feast Day

Clark and I use our own funds to pay for the tent, the tables and chairs, the lawn prep, the coffee, etc. (about $1500 altogether) We usually put out a bowl to ask for some help with all of this. This year, to pass the hat, we will also invite folks to throw something in to Clark or my pay pal as people carry less cash than they used to and last year we found ourselves in the red with expenses at the end of the day. Thanks everyone!