A topic of discussion at one of our recent community-wide forums was the question: What makes it a Way of the Rose meeting? The answer was something that we had already arrived at some time ago at by consensus. But we had never articulated it clearly. So, for the record, here are the “Five Petals” of our Way of the Rose fellowship where meetings are concerned:
FIRST PETAL—WOTR circles are free. We may pass the hat to cover special expenses, but no contribution will ever be required. WOTR has no dues or fees for membership.
SECOND PETAL—WOTR circles are inclusive. Everyone is welcome at every meeting. We have affinity meetings (LGBTQ, Men’s Meetings, Special Novenas, etc.), but these are open. Anyone may attend.
THIRD PETAL—WOTR circles pray the rosary or a chaplet. We may adapt these or modify them for the purpose of a meeting, but the focus of our fellowship remains on Our Lady and Her beads.
FOURTH PETAL—WOTR circles are places to pray for our heart’s desire. We do not support outside causes—religious, political, humanitarian, or otherwise—that might divert us from our own petitions.
FIFTH PETAL—WOTR circles are leaderless. A member may sponsor a meeting, but there are no teachers, experts, or authorities. Once a meeting format has been established, any member may lead it.