Our Lady Speaks: June 16, 2024

The world around you is filled with things that seem gentle or weak but are really strong. Consider the grass blade that can be trampled by a foot, but can still break through cement or crack the asphalt of a road.

However much human beings accomplish, however much they insist on replacing the wisdom of simple, humble things with their own wisdom, however much they seek to invert the values of the natural world or subvert its laws, they will never surpass the grass.

There is more truth in a grass blade than in the books of many libraries. There is more faithfulness in one of its seeds than in all of your philosophies and religions. The grass has remained true to its task from the beginning, and it will be there to welcome you in the future as you travel down through time.

As filled as your world is with forms and colors, it provides no rest for the eye, no place of solace or stillness for the soul. But the grass does this. It always has and always will. My lesser children are my greater children—too great for you ever to fully understand them or comprehend their designs.