Our Lady Speaks: September 16, 2024

There are no endpoints in the world that I am and the world I oversee, no final receptacles for the graces and the blessings that I bestow. You pray for yourself, but in doing so you must know that the answer to your prayer will answer others’ prayers as well.

I speak to you directly, but My messages are for the many. I move in all directions at once and answer prayers in a way that would bewilder you with its complexity were you to witness even the smallest portion of it in any one moment of time.

The world is praying and everything in it is the answer to a prayer. People will say that time is an illusion, but they do not truly understand what that means. Everything happens at once—all time and all space—because everything is prayer.

To pray in your small way about the needs and concerns of today is to tug on a string that connects you to eternity because it connects you to everything that is. I have given you all that you need for a life, but mostly I have given you one another. You are the answers to one another’s prayers.

[art: Autumn Sky]