Our Lady Speaks: July 16, 2024

The whole of human knowledge could be inscribed upon a single grain of rice and still not be equal to the knowledge contained within that rice grain. The scripture of the world is the world itself, in all its myriad manifestations—from the sound of the wind to the scent of a flower to the changing colors of the sky at the beginning and the end of a day.

That scripture is there for everyone to read. It is a book that always lies open. Nothing is hidden. There is no secret. There is nothing more to discover, remember, or know. The world is your only teacher, your only mother, your only lover. The world is also your child. Take a breath and hold it. What you are breathing is the world.

Nothing comes and nothing goes. But all is eternally present. Anything is possible. All is forgiven. You are being held in an embrace that is closer than your skin, because it holds you from within as well as without. This is wisdom. The rest is folly. Be wise and trust in My embrace.

art: Anna Kawiak