Our Lady Speaks: May 16, 2024

Imagine a box with a lid but no bottom or sides, a room with a door but no walls, no ceiling, and no floor. This is the rosary. When you step through this portal, or drop through the open lid of that box, you find yourself in the limitless space where all that surrounds you on every side is perfect freedom and endless time.

To experience that much freedom would be terrifying without something to hold on to. To experience the depth and height of time would be disorienting and unnerving without a narrative to follow.

The womb is also a lid, a door that you pass through into the freedom of endless space and time. The rosary I have placed in your hand is an umbilical cord and a thread to follow through the labyrinth of your days and nights on the path of your heart’s desire.

Remember that there are no limits on the world you have been born into—and know that I am with you to guide you. Know that you are never alone.