Our Lady Speaks: October 16, 2021

Going forward, there are things you must know about the Sun and Earth—the way they dance and dart, and dangle in space, and dare one another to bring forth life. This is a fraught marriage always, because in bringing forth life, they also bring forth death.

In the act of creation, they create the inevitability of destruction, and once they begin to dance in this way, there is no choice but to continue. Each is bound to the other, just as lovers are, by the children they bring forth. In their world, there is no such thing as divorce. They pull apart somewhat each year as the seasons run their course, but only so that they may return to one another again—to embrace and conceive, to deliver, and to nurture life anew. You may think of this as Their yearly renewal of vows.

When a planet heats because of changes to its atmosphere, the Solar element assumes the upper hand, whether He wishes to or not. When this happens, the energy of the Mother is greatly amplified at first. Her winds are stronger, her storms and rains more fierce. Her oceans roil. Her creatures stand in disarray. This energy is what your forbears called Kali or Coatlicue, and it continues until the Solar element has been subdued.

The time frame placed upon that cycle is negotiable. The Father and Mother both wish an end to this unstable condition that makes their yearly dance an act of desperation and determination rather than what it ordinarily is—which is an act of joy.

But they have done this before. Sometimes the Sun is weak and the Earth is strong, holding her life within her for millennia, frozen within her womb. Sometimes the Earth is feverish. The Sun’s embrace is too close, too hot, too unrelenting. At such times Life withdraws into the cool and hidden places until Her fever is done.

But have no fear. They are wise, these two. The Father’s wisdom is an eternal patience and a willingness to remain faithful and true to His Lover, varying not one whit in his devotion, no matter Her condition. He loves Her as a Maiden. He loves Her as a Mother. He loves Her when She is old. The Earth’s wisdom is Her multiplicity, and the infinitude of past, present, and future living bodies She has gathered to Her soul.

[art: Indian folk art of Kali and Shiva dancing]