“You stand before a door that leads back to a world that you have forgotten—a world that lives only in dreamtime memory, remote and inaccessible. It has been set at an impossible remove from the world you now occupy, the world you believe in and call real. But, in truth, that dream world IS the real world. This world is the dream.“Your sages have spoken of a Great Awakening. But it never occurred to them that they too were living inside of a dream. ALL are dreaming. The awakening will come when you realize that all human power is power inside of a dream.“True power belongs to wind and water…to root and stem and flower…to the rising and setting of the sun in season…and to the wise and discerning phases of the moon. What you fear to lose are treasures hoarded in the last seconds of a dream. You imagine the end of the world, but you are not in charge of the world. The world is in charge of you.“I have always held you to My breast. I have remained faithful through every epoch, holding you in My arms, even as you dreamed. You will wake when you are ready and turn once more to your Mother. And I will care for you. And love you. And feed you as I did before.”