Our Lady Speaks: December 14, 2017

“The structure atop which everything stands is beginning to creak and sway. First it moves one way, and then the other, trying to regain the balance it has lost. But it was built too high, and on such a narrow base, that it was inevitable it should fall.

“It matters little if the fall is today, tomorrow, or to come. Anything you build atop that structure is wedded to its fate. It is futile to imagine that any part of it will remain standing. In the end you must find the ground, even if you must travel down to reach it. There is no safety in the sky.

“I tell you this as your Mother: You are not the same as the world that you have made. You belong to the Earth and you belong to Me.

“The lullaby you sing to your children is right in all respects but one. For when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall…all will fall. But not the baby. A Mother never releases Her hold on Her children. What Mother leaves her baby alone and dangling in the sky?”